An automatic car stalls
In general, the automatic transmission gear automatic transmission cars are divided into P, R, N, D, 2 (or S), L (or 1) and so on. The following details are as follows:
; P (Parking) parking stalls, or parking stalls:
P used for parking purposes, it is the use of mechanical devices to lock the car moving parts, so that vehicles can not move. The engine running as long as the gear selector is in the driving position, automatic transmission car is very easy to walk. While parked, the gear selector must pull into the P position, thereby stopping the internal transmission output shaft lock brakes, and tighten the hand brake to prevent the car moving. When the car needs to stay in a fixed position for a longer time, or leave the vehicle after the stop, it should pull the brake and the lever forward players Note that: vehicles must be used when the complete cessation of P file, otherwise the mechanical part of the automatic transmission will be damaged. When you do not stop when the stalls in this state at this time locking the wheels in the machine to prevent from sliding. In addition, the automatic transmission sedan neutral start switch on the device, making the car only in the
- ; ; R (Reverse) Reverse:
R is used when reversing. Unlike the manual transmission automatic transmission vehicle vehicles that can use the semi-linked, so pay special attention when reversing the control of the accelerator pedal. Pole usually allocated according to the insurance button on the lever can move to Note: When the vehicle has not been fully stop time, and must not be forced go to the
; N (Neutral) empty File:
N-bit refers to the gap, you can start or trailers and temporary parking (such as red), with the stalls. To prevent the vehicle from sliding on the slope, when linked to the time gap must be stepping on the brake. Lever placed in the If a short stay can be placed in the file and pull lever hand brake lever, foot brake pedal can be removed from the break. Signal or traffic jam waiting for the gear selector is often kept in the D position, and depresses the brake. If time is short, this is permissible, but if the stop is best for a long time into the N-bit, and tighten the hand brake. Because the gear selector is in the driving position, the automatic transmission car driving are generally weak trend for a long time is equal to slam the brake force to stop this trend, making the transmission oil temperature rise, oil perishable. Especially in the air conditioner to work the case of high engine idling more unfavorable. Some drivers for fuel, when going downhill at high speed, or pull the gear selector to the N-bit sliding, it is very easy to burn transmission, because when a high transmission output shaft speed, while the engine is at idle, fuel pumps for oil shortage, deterioration of lubrication, easy to burn transmission.
; D (Drive) forward gears, also known as driver files:
D under the stall speed gearbox in 1 files (the equivalent of 1 to 4 files) based on speed and throttle automatically switch the situation, the stall in the general road use. Because countries have different design models, so the Bogan will be placed in When normal driving gear selector on the D-bit, car stalls in the 1 to 4 (or 3 files) between the automatic transmission. D-bit is the most common driving position. Need to know is: automatic transmission is based on the throttle as the size and height to determine the stall speed, so the accelerator pedal operation methods, when the speed is not the same shift. If you start to accelerate when the pedal quickly or file late, acceleration ability, after a certain speed, then quickly release the accelerator pedal, cars will be able to immediately upshift, so the engine noise, good comfort. Another feature of D-bit is mandatory low-grade, easy high speed overtaking, driving in the D position to quickly step on the accelerator pedal in the end, connected to force low-end switches can automatically downshift, cars faster acceleration, overtaking and then release the accelerator pedal automatically upshift.
; S or 2 (Second Gear) 2 files:
2 files for the low-speed forward gear, said limits file, the file, start with 1 file to start after the gearbox in 2 files on the slippery road to start, or the slow move forward as a constraint file use. In the large slope, or tilt of the slope in comparison to start, you can start with this file forward. Hanging in the stall where the car can be restricted only in low gear automatic bit (equivalent to a manual car stalls and second gear) on the switch, to ensure maximum forward momentum car. Bogan will be placed in two stalls, cars will start from 1 files, when the speed increases automatically switch to 2 files. 2 files can be used as the upper and lower slopes of use, this file is that when the benefits section of ramp or down ramp, the vehicle will be stable at about 1 or 2 files file location, and will not load or speed on the ramp is not balance, so keep transmission conversion. In the down slope, the use of the resistance for the engine braking low speed, the more the line will not make the car faster (the other one kind of file that means S Sport model, described below).
; S said the campaign mode (sport)
S said the campaign mode (sport) in the stalls are free to shift under the gearbox, but the opportunity to shift the time delay, so that the engine at high speed to maintain a long time, so that the vehicle power increase. Obviously, this will of course result in increased fuel consumption.
; L (Low) or 1 (First Gear) low profile, also known as a file:
L file is low forward gear, in or under the long-distance mountain slopes, hanging in the stalls where you can limit car stalls automatically only in the most low-grade (equivalent to a manual car files) on , can make use of car engine power when going downhill braking, the driver hit the brakes unnecessarily long lead dangerous overheating brakes. Transmission time to work only in one file, can not transform into other stalls. It is used in serious traffic congestion and greater inclination to perform their functions most slopes. On the slopes or lower slopes, you can take advantage of a car engine torque.
; Second, S, L-bit low-end use
automatic transmission in the S-bit or L bits are in a low range, you can use the ramp and so on. Downhill into the S-bit or L for potential full use of engine brake, the wheel brakes to avoid overheating, resulting in decreased braking performance. But from the D-bit for bit into the S or L position, the speed can not be higher than the corresponding upshift speed, otherwise the engine will be a strong vibration, the transmission oil temperature rose sharply, or even damage the transmission. Also in the rain and fog weather, if the road adhesion conditions are poor, you can change into the S-bit or L-bit, fixed at a low driving, do not use that automatically shift position to avoid the car skidded. Must also remember to slip the gear selector can be pushed into the N-bit, cut off the engine power in order to ensure driving safety.
; III automatic transmission car use
1, the engine starts, the automatic transmission also have been restricted to the stalls, this is a factory for safety considerations adjustments made to the gearbox. Generally only when the shift lever is in P or N position stall before they can start the engine. If the gear shift lever in motion, such as D, R and other locations, the engine will not start. The purpose of this restriction is to prevent the vehicle collided with an object before and after. If the novice can not start the engine, you should first check is not linked to the wrong file. If not P or N files, you should adjust, and then start the car;
2, N file to start using the method: When you launch the vehicle after driving without reversing the straight forward, you can be plugged in slam the brakes to stall onto N, then the ignition, and then hang D file directly into the front line, to avoid sparking in the P profile, you need through the R file, so that transmission through a reverse shock! Another role is to suddenly turn off when in motion, you can ensure the safety of the stalls quickly pushed to the N profile and then start the engine ignition;
3, the car starts to go, only depress the brake pedal, before the shift lever from the P or N files out of the file, change into running gear. Release the brake pedal, the car slowly driving by can. The reason why the brakes in advance, is also aimed at the driver and the car's safety. Otherwise, the engine starts, hang forward gears, the car will shift, at this time if the driver did not react, it is prone to collisions;
4, in motion the freedom to switch the forward gears. Although these limits can stall the highest gear, but as long as gear and speed matching switch to free;
5, moving into the N files must not hang glide, because the automatic transmission needs lubrication, when moving into top gear on the N when the oil pump is not properly lubricated, will make the internal transmission piece temperature, resulting in complete damage! Another high-speed sliding gap is very dangerous, and not fuel efficient. Slide the stop at low speeds can be linked into N files in advance, down no impact;
6, the process of moving the vehicle must not be pushed into the P file, unless you do not want the car. Need to change direction, be sure to wait before making a switch stalls the vehicle completely stopped;
7, within the automatic transmission hydraulic transmission, and fluid flow has a certain inertia, can not suddenly to change, so it is best in the car completely stopped, and then linked into reverse gear. A complete stop before the vehicle is not the absolute prohibition of the gear lever into the P hanging files. After stopping, you must turn off file can hang out into the P key. Many people used to stop and directly to the P file and then turn off push, pull the hand brake. Observant people will find this operation, turn off the vehicle due to road surface roughness after the general will move around a little bit, and then have a bite P-speed gearbox and the gear device is a bite, and when the move would result in gear little impact! The correct way is: cars into the parking position, slam the brakes pulled the gear shift lever in N files, pull up the handbrake, release the foot brake and then turn off, then the gear lever into the final P file! Of course this is also part of the gearbox better protection;
8, long-stay parking to use the handbrake, otherwise it will undermine the automatic transmission of the lock body. P file, and N lies in the difference between files, P file when there are transmission gear engaged, not only for parking, and will help the car brake in the parking stalls after going to push to the P file, cut does not hang N files to rely solely on the hand brake to brake! Especially when the slope of the parking place is as it should be;
9, such as red light, in the end file should be used with the N or D file, according to their custom, temporary parking slam the brakes on the car hanging on the D did not damage, because the gearbox has a torque converter with reaction wheels are one-way clutch, and its role is to enlarge the torque from the engine crankshaft, the engine idle speed is not under the rotation, only to be the engine speed increases, it will work. So when you slam the brakes lights are not related, linked to the N pull the hand brake it anyway. In general, more than half a minute if you're parking in the N pull the hand brake mount, if the parking time is short then stepping on the brake, etc. just fine.
; Fourth, automatic transmission vehicle driving skills
under normal driving the shift automatic transmission in the 2000-2500 rpm range. If you re-stepped on the accelerator, the transmission will automatically shift delay time for a long time high power output, usually only after the rise in 3000 to file the case of the whole step to speed up to red zone will only ascend The next file (which set the basic file to replace the role of S). Conversely, if you step on the gas transmission will be the first in the slow speed of less than 2000, when promoted to the next file with the driver to achieve the intent and purpose of fuel economy.
automatic transmission step on what can be achieved ahead of loose rose file is correct (but it should also choose a good step, loose time), but this is the case at the expense of speed to a relatively fuel-efficient purpose, does not make the vehicle accelerate faster. When the speed range up to shift, you receive as long as the light throttle and automatic transmission will automatically upshift to the instructions, the oil in the moment you receive the engine speed will drop some, just in the tooth than just upshift convergence, which again when the fuel before the trip, you will find the entire shift process smoother, more comfortable ride.
* Note that: to achieve early upshift, and then step on the gas when the degree is not too large, otherwise the transmission would think that drivers need to hard acceleration, while the current gear can not meet the requirements of the power output automatically downshift, but also jump back to a lower gear, causing files! This car fans can test several times in the operation of motor vehicle transmission to master control of their own scale.
1 / 2 files (restricted file) when the two works, that is, when the uphill and downhill. First, it uphill, if steep, and even be put on 2 or 1 to complete the climb and then linked into the running file normal driving. Downhill when the file is restricted to use as an auxiliary brake, we all know that driving manual transmission car in the mountains, down a long slope, when a large slope (of course not necessary to do so under the Xiao-Po operating a) can be linked at a lower gear as an auxiliary brake, and when the autopilot is not in the D file assisted braking effect, the more it will slip faster and faster. At this time limit can be put on file, to achieve increased use restriction stall the engine as a brake with auxiliary braking to reduce brake pressure of work.
limit file sometimes used as forced downshift, that you need a strong torque output for a long time, you can use it to stall at a relatively low gear up to achieve, or overtaking, you can directly stalls pulled down. However, according to your automatic transmission is to determine whether the degree of throttle downshift, for example, in front of you super-slow, you can first go on a foot off the accelerator and then, when the transmission will automatically drop a file or even 2 file to meet your power requirements, the completion and release the throttle to overtake, stall speed will return to your current gear right, in which case you no need to use restricted files, use the throttle to control the light on it .
; five automatic transmission Notes
1) only in the P, N two steps can be powered vehicles only, file extraction from the P shift lever must slam the brakes. N file is when you start to use directly after the vehicle started moving forward, you can first power (not the name of the engine), slam the brakes pulled the stalls N, then the ignition, and then linked directly into the D file forward, to avoid sparking in the P profile, you need through the R file, so that transmission through a reverse shock! Another role is to suddenly turn off when in motion, you can ensure the safety of the stalls quickly pushed to the N file ignition and then start the engine.
2) general stalls in the N, D, 3 shift when switching between without pressing the button, from 3 to hang down the restrictions necessary to press the shift button file, linked from low to high without pressing shift button.
3) moving into the N files must not hang glide, because the automatic transmission needs lubrication, when moving into top gear on the N when the oil pump is not properly lubricated, will make the internal transmission piece temperature, resulting in complete damage! Another is the gap sliding speed is very dangerous, and not fuel efficient! Slide the stop to advance the low speed link into N files, is no longer being affected.
4) automatic transmission car in motion must not be pushed into the P file. A change in the direction of travel, D R file to switch file and have to wait before making the vehicle completely stopped operating.
5) driving the end of parking: car into the parking position, slam the brake shift lever pulled to pull the hand brake release N file and then turn off the foot brake shift lever into the P file pull the key!
6) Temporary parking (such as red light) when, N or D are not wrong, then according to their habits, if you stop over in half a minute into the N to hang the hand brake on it.
; six, automatic transmission driving all the way in the end is not D file
automatic transmission and manual transmission systems are two completely different designs, both in addition to the work of the ultimate purpose of the same, the principle and manifestations of its action are not the same. Although the automatic transmission driving very simple, but if we want to have handy automatic transmission vehicle, it requires a certain skill. In theory, both the manual transmission or automatic transmission, if the correct way to operate, should have similar performance. Automatic transmission car feels as strong manual transmission car, mainly because the operation is wrong.
used manual drivers usually know the best time to shift, using up more handy. Can be automatic transmission car, people tend not to use, often simply use D file, all the way in the end. This is considered the most accurate vehicle driving automatic transmission methods, although not wrong, but easy to find the feeling of driving after he can not help but feel that it is not enough taste, it seems that the overall performance is always less in the manual car. This is not true, there is a lot of use there are problems. If you use the correct control mode, automatic transmission cars will also have the outstanding performance of manual override.
automatic transmission gear system design for D speed automatically according to 3-2 (or 3-speed automatic 4-speed auto) or 4-3-2 (5-speed automatic transmission car) automatically change between files. This design, in the case of urban stop and go, 3-2,2-3 or automatic transmission will be in constant transformation between files. The acceleration of the vehicle depends on the performance of the engine torque, manual control of the car by the owner point shift in the maximum torque output, and automatic transmission shift car moves up and down frequently makes the driver feel the car of course, the performance of . This situation continues to be more obvious on the downhill sections.
one solution, without considering the premise of fuel, usually car also started with the throttle. Now most of the automatic transmission vehicle speed learning function procedures, if you step on the gas pedal too deep, the program will automatically change the original variable shift points. For example, the original setting is turned up to file 2500, after using the throttle at 4000 rpm or more will only upshift, so the actual output torque of the vehicle is much larger than before, the vehicle's driving force is also stronger. If you often use the throttle, automatic transmission program will remember your driving habits, the automatic transmission shift points will change the power balance between the factory and set energy efficiency, automatic up shift point increase in engine speed. Also, if your car has sport mode setting, select Sport mode traffic, will have the same effect.
solution of the two stalls in the end abandoned the habit of D, the correct use of the automatic transmission, the habit of changing a file in the end. Many automatic transmission models except D files, there are 1,2,3 file. Urban speed unhappy, you can stall on 2 or 3 files file, then put 2 mountain or a file file, you will find the car seems reborn, running up and not only powerful, and more light. Some people may doubt that such operations would have an adverse effect on the transmission system? Will have more fuel? The answer is not going to, but also more favorable. Because, since the variable speed system design of these stalls, it means that they each made, correct operation will not cause injury. Meanwhile, the higher gear to avoid dragging vehicles, fuel consumption will be lower bound, but also reduce engine carbon phenomenon. This concept does not drag files manually file owners strong.
automatic transmission car in city traffic, if the speed can not exceed 60 km / h, will use less than the D files a stall, it will give the sharp acceleration, and to avoid the production of coke; when the speed of more than 60 After the file using the D drive, not only fuel, it will not undermine the acceleration. In mountain driving, according to the situation will have to use 2 file or a file, in addition to maintaining a strong torque output, the engine braking effect would prevent the excessive use of foot brake, to ensure road safety. Automatic transmission cars do not have engine braking D file functions, and will increase as the downhill speed to keep the high-speed gear change, so the speed faster and faster, you must keep using the foot brake to control speed, it is easy to arising from the use of excessive brake heat failure, which is very dangerous. Therefore, automatic transmission driving the car to go a long downhill, the file must not use the D drive, in case of emergency. Even if you buy a vehicle autopilot purpose is to dispense with the trouble of shifting, but also a little bit diligent. At low speed, for the following files into the D stalls, high speed and then rest assured that, save the use of D file boldly going forward. I would have a good multiplier effect.
; ;
In general, the automatic transmission gear automatic transmission cars are divided into P, R, N, D, 2 (or S), L (or 1) and so on. The following details are as follows:
; P (Parking) parking stalls, or parking stalls:
P used for parking purposes, it is the use of mechanical devices to lock the car moving parts, so that vehicles can not move. The engine running as long as the gear selector is in the driving position, automatic transmission car is very easy to walk. While parked, the gear selector must pull into the P position, thereby stopping the internal transmission output shaft lock brakes, and tighten the hand brake to prevent the car moving. When the car needs to stay in a fixed position for a longer time, or leave the vehicle after the stop, it should pull the brake and the lever forward players Note that: vehicles must be used when the complete cessation of P file, otherwise the mechanical part of the automatic transmission will be damaged. When you do not stop when the stalls in this state at this time locking the wheels in the machine to prevent from sliding. In addition, the automatic transmission sedan neutral start switch on the device, making the car only in the
- ; ; R (Reverse) Reverse:
R is used when reversing. Unlike the manual transmission automatic transmission vehicle vehicles that can use the semi-linked, so pay special attention when reversing the control of the accelerator pedal. Pole usually allocated according to the insurance button on the lever can move to Note: When the vehicle has not been fully stop time, and must not be forced go to the
; N (Neutral) empty File:
N-bit refers to the gap, you can start or trailers and temporary parking (such as red), with the stalls. To prevent the vehicle from sliding on the slope, when linked to the time gap must be stepping on the brake. Lever placed in the If a short stay can be placed in the file and pull lever hand brake lever, foot brake pedal can be removed from the break. Signal or traffic jam waiting for the gear selector is often kept in the D position, and depresses the brake. If time is short, this is permissible, but if the stop is best for a long time into the N-bit, and tighten the hand brake. Because the gear selector is in the driving position, the automatic transmission car driving are generally weak trend for a long time is equal to slam the brake force to stop this trend, making the transmission oil temperature rise, oil perishable. Especially in the air conditioner to work the case of high engine idling more unfavorable. Some drivers for fuel, when going downhill at high speed, or pull the gear selector to the N-bit sliding, it is very easy to burn transmission, because when a high transmission output shaft speed, while the engine is at idle, fuel pumps for oil shortage, deterioration of lubrication, easy to burn transmission.
; D (Drive) forward gears, also known as driver files:
D under the stall speed gearbox in 1 files (the equivalent of 1 to 4 files) based on speed and throttle automatically switch the situation, the stall in the general road use. Because countries have different design models, so the Bogan will be placed in When normal driving gear selector on the D-bit, car stalls in the 1 to 4 (or 3 files) between the automatic transmission. D-bit is the most common driving position. Need to know is: automatic transmission is based on the throttle as the size and height to determine the stall speed, so the accelerator pedal operation methods, when the speed is not the same shift. If you start to accelerate when the pedal quickly or file late, acceleration ability, after a certain speed, then quickly release the accelerator pedal, cars will be able to immediately upshift, so the engine noise, good comfort. Another feature of D-bit is mandatory low-grade, easy high speed overtaking, driving in the D position to quickly step on the accelerator pedal in the end, connected to force low-end switches can automatically downshift, cars faster acceleration, overtaking and then release the accelerator pedal automatically upshift.
; S or 2 (Second Gear) 2 files:
2 files for the low-speed forward gear, said limits file, the file, start with 1 file to start after the gearbox in 2 files on the slippery road to start, or the slow move forward as a constraint file use. In the large slope, or tilt of the slope in comparison to start, you can start with this file forward. Hanging in the stall where the car can be restricted only in low gear automatic bit (equivalent to a manual car stalls and second gear) on the switch, to ensure maximum forward momentum car. Bogan will be placed in two stalls, cars will start from 1 files, when the speed increases automatically switch to 2 files. 2 files can be used as the upper and lower slopes of use, this file is that when the benefits section of ramp or down ramp, the vehicle will be stable at about 1 or 2 files file location, and will not load or speed on the ramp is not balance, so keep transmission conversion. In the down slope, the use of the resistance for the engine braking low speed, the more the line will not make the car faster (the other one kind of file that means S Sport model, described below).
; S said the campaign mode (sport)
S said the campaign mode (sport) in the stalls are free to shift under the gearbox, but the opportunity to shift the time delay, so that the engine at high speed to maintain a long time, so that the vehicle power increase. Obviously, this will of course result in increased fuel consumption.
; L (Low) or 1 (First Gear) low profile, also known as a file:
L file is low forward gear, in or under the long-distance mountain slopes, hanging in the stalls where you can limit car stalls automatically only in the most low-grade (equivalent to a manual car files) on , can make use of car engine power when going downhill braking, the driver hit the brakes unnecessarily long lead dangerous overheating brakes. Transmission time to work only in one file, can not transform into other stalls. It is used in serious traffic congestion and greater inclination to perform their functions most slopes. On the slopes or lower slopes, you can take advantage of a car engine torque.
; Second, S, L-bit low-end use
automatic transmission in the S-bit or L bits are in a low range, you can use the ramp and so on. Downhill into the S-bit or L for potential full use of engine brake, the wheel brakes to avoid overheating, resulting in decreased braking performance. But from the D-bit for bit into the S or L position, the speed can not be higher than the corresponding upshift speed, otherwise the engine will be a strong vibration, the transmission oil temperature rose sharply, or even damage the transmission. Also in the rain and fog weather, if the road adhesion conditions are poor, you can change into the S-bit or L-bit, fixed at a low driving, do not use that automatically shift position to avoid the car skidded. Must also remember to slip the gear selector can be pushed into the N-bit, cut off the engine power in order to ensure driving safety.
; III automatic transmission car use
1, the engine starts, the automatic transmission also have been restricted to the stalls, this is a factory for safety considerations adjustments made to the gearbox. Generally only when the shift lever is in P or N position stall before they can start the engine. If the gear shift lever in motion, such as D, R and other locations, the engine will not start. The purpose of this restriction is to prevent the vehicle collided with an object before and after. If the novice can not start the engine, you should first check is not linked to the wrong file. If not P or N files, you should adjust, and then start the car;
2, N file to start using the method: When you launch the vehicle after driving without reversing the straight forward, you can be plugged in slam the brakes to stall onto N, then the ignition, and then hang D file directly into the front line, to avoid sparking in the P profile, you need through the R file, so that transmission through a reverse shock! Another role is to suddenly turn off when in motion, you can ensure the safety of the stalls quickly pushed to the N profile and then start the engine ignition;
3, the car starts to go, only depress the brake pedal, before the shift lever from the P or N files out of the file, change into running gear. Release the brake pedal, the car slowly driving by can. The reason why the brakes in advance, is also aimed at the driver and the car's safety. Otherwise, the engine starts, hang forward gears, the car will shift, at this time if the driver did not react, it is prone to collisions;
4, in motion the freedom to switch the forward gears. Although these limits can stall the highest gear, but as long as gear and speed matching switch to free;
5, moving into the N files must not hang glide, because the automatic transmission needs lubrication, when moving into top gear on the N when the oil pump is not properly lubricated, will make the internal transmission piece temperature, resulting in complete damage! Another high-speed sliding gap is very dangerous, and not fuel efficient. Slide the stop at low speeds can be linked into N files in advance, down no impact;
6, the process of moving the vehicle must not be pushed into the P file, unless you do not want the car. Need to change direction, be sure to wait before making a switch stalls the vehicle completely stopped;
7, within the automatic transmission hydraulic transmission, and fluid flow has a certain inertia, can not suddenly to change, so it is best in the car completely stopped, and then linked into reverse gear. A complete stop before the vehicle is not the absolute prohibition of the gear lever into the P hanging files. After stopping, you must turn off file can hang out into the P key. Many people used to stop and directly to the P file and then turn off push, pull the hand brake. Observant people will find this operation, turn off the vehicle due to road surface roughness after the general will move around a little bit, and then have a bite P-speed gearbox and the gear device is a bite, and when the move would result in gear little impact! The correct way is: cars into the parking position, slam the brakes pulled the gear shift lever in N files, pull up the handbrake, release the foot brake and then turn off, then the gear lever into the final P file! Of course this is also part of the gearbox better protection;
8, long-stay parking to use the handbrake, otherwise it will undermine the automatic transmission of the lock body. P file, and N lies in the difference between files, P file when there are transmission gear engaged, not only for parking, and will help the car brake in the parking stalls after going to push to the P file, cut does not hang N files to rely solely on the hand brake to brake! Especially when the slope of the parking place is as it should be;
9, such as red light, in the end file should be used with the N or D file, according to their custom, temporary parking slam the brakes on the car hanging on the D did not damage, because the gearbox has a torque converter with reaction wheels are one-way clutch, and its role is to enlarge the torque from the engine crankshaft, the engine idle speed is not under the rotation, only to be the engine speed increases, it will work. So when you slam the brakes lights are not related, linked to the N pull the hand brake it anyway. In general, more than half a minute if you're parking in the N pull the hand brake mount, if the parking time is short then stepping on the brake, etc. just fine.
; Fourth, automatic transmission vehicle driving skills
under normal driving the shift automatic transmission in the 2000-2500 rpm range. If you re-stepped on the accelerator, the transmission will automatically shift delay time for a long time high power output, usually only after the rise in 3000 to file the case of the whole step to speed up to red zone will only ascend The next file (which set the basic file to replace the role of S). Conversely, if you step on the gas transmission will be the first in the slow speed of less than 2000, when promoted to the next file with the driver to achieve the intent and purpose of fuel economy.
automatic transmission step on what can be achieved ahead of loose rose file is correct (but it should also choose a good step, loose time), but this is the case at the expense of speed to a relatively fuel-efficient purpose, does not make the vehicle accelerate faster. When the speed range up to shift, you receive as long as the light throttle and automatic transmission will automatically upshift to the instructions, the oil in the moment you receive the engine speed will drop some, just in the tooth than just upshift convergence, which again when the fuel before the trip, you will find the entire shift process smoother, more comfortable ride.
* Note that: to achieve early upshift, and then step on the gas when the degree is not too large, otherwise the transmission would think that drivers need to hard acceleration, while the current gear can not meet the requirements of the power output automatically downshift, but also jump back to a lower gear, causing files! This car fans can test several times in the operation of motor vehicle transmission to master control of their own scale.
1 / 2 files (restricted file) when the two works, that is, when the uphill and downhill. First, it uphill, if steep, and even be put on 2 or 1 to complete the climb and then linked into the running file normal driving. Downhill when the file is restricted to use as an auxiliary brake, we all know that driving manual transmission car in the mountains, down a long slope, when a large slope (of course not necessary to do so under the Xiao-Po operating a) can be linked at a lower gear as an auxiliary brake, and when the autopilot is not in the D file assisted braking effect, the more it will slip faster and faster. At this time limit can be put on file, to achieve increased use restriction stall the engine as a brake with auxiliary braking to reduce brake pressure of work.
limit file sometimes used as forced downshift, that you need a strong torque output for a long time, you can use it to stall at a relatively low gear up to achieve, or overtaking, you can directly stalls pulled down. However, according to your automatic transmission is to determine whether the degree of throttle downshift, for example, in front of you super-slow, you can first go on a foot off the accelerator and then, when the transmission will automatically drop a file or even 2 file to meet your power requirements, the completion and release the throttle to overtake, stall speed will return to your current gear right, in which case you no need to use restricted files, use the throttle to control the light on it .
; five automatic transmission Notes
1) only in the P, N two steps can be powered vehicles only, file extraction from the P shift lever must slam the brakes. N file is when you start to use directly after the vehicle started moving forward, you can first power (not the name of the engine), slam the brakes pulled the stalls N, then the ignition, and then linked directly into the D file forward, to avoid sparking in the P profile, you need through the R file, so that transmission through a reverse shock! Another role is to suddenly turn off when in motion, you can ensure the safety of the stalls quickly pushed to the N file ignition and then start the engine.
2) general stalls in the N, D, 3 shift when switching between without pressing the button, from 3 to hang down the restrictions necessary to press the shift button file, linked from low to high without pressing shift button.
3) moving into the N files must not hang glide, because the automatic transmission needs lubrication, when moving into top gear on the N when the oil pump is not properly lubricated, will make the internal transmission piece temperature, resulting in complete damage! Another is the gap sliding speed is very dangerous, and not fuel efficient! Slide the stop to advance the low speed link into N files, is no longer being affected.
4) automatic transmission car in motion must not be pushed into the P file. A change in the direction of travel, D R file to switch file and have to wait before making the vehicle completely stopped operating.
5) driving the end of parking: car into the parking position, slam the brake shift lever pulled to pull the hand brake release N file and then turn off the foot brake shift lever into the P file pull the key!
6) Temporary parking (such as red light) when, N or D are not wrong, then according to their habits, if you stop over in half a minute into the N to hang the hand brake on it.
; six, automatic transmission driving all the way in the end is not D file
automatic transmission and manual transmission systems are two completely different designs, both in addition to the work of the ultimate purpose of the same, the principle and manifestations of its action are not the same. Although the automatic transmission driving very simple, but if we want to have handy automatic transmission vehicle, it requires a certain skill. In theory, both the manual transmission or automatic transmission, if the correct way to operate, should have similar performance. Automatic transmission car feels as strong manual transmission car, mainly because the operation is wrong.
used manual drivers usually know the best time to shift, using up more handy. Can be automatic transmission car, people tend not to use, often simply use D file, all the way in the end. This is considered the most accurate vehicle driving automatic transmission methods, although not wrong, but easy to find the feeling of driving after he can not help but feel that it is not enough taste, it seems that the overall performance is always less in the manual car. This is not true, there is a lot of use there are problems. If you use the correct control mode, automatic transmission cars will also have the outstanding performance of manual override.
automatic transmission gear system design for D speed automatically according to 3-2 (or 3-speed automatic 4-speed auto) or 4-3-2 (5-speed automatic transmission car) automatically change between files. This design, in the case of urban stop and go, 3-2,2-3 or automatic transmission will be in constant transformation between files. The acceleration of the vehicle depends on the performance of the engine torque, manual control of the car by the owner point shift in the maximum torque output, and automatic transmission shift car moves up and down frequently makes the driver feel the car of course, the performance of . This situation continues to be more obvious on the downhill sections.
one solution, without considering the premise of fuel, usually car also started with the throttle. Now most of the automatic transmission vehicle speed learning function procedures, if you step on the gas pedal too deep, the program will automatically change the original variable shift points. For example, the original setting is turned up to file 2500, after using the throttle at 4000 rpm or more will only upshift, so the actual output torque of the vehicle is much larger than before, the vehicle's driving force is also stronger. If you often use the throttle, automatic transmission program will remember your driving habits, the automatic transmission shift points will change the power balance between the factory and set energy efficiency, automatic up shift point increase in engine speed. Also, if your car has sport mode setting, select Sport mode traffic, will have the same effect.
solution of the two stalls in the end abandoned the habit of D, the correct use of the automatic transmission, the habit of changing a file in the end. Many automatic transmission models except D files, there are 1,2,3 file. Urban speed unhappy, you can stall on 2 or 3 files file, then put 2 mountain or a file file, you will find the car seems reborn, running up and not only powerful, and more light. Some people may doubt that such operations would have an adverse effect on the transmission system? Will have more fuel? The answer is not going to, but also more favorable. Because, since the variable speed system design of these stalls, it means that they each made, correct operation will not cause injury. Meanwhile, the higher gear to avoid dragging vehicles, fuel consumption will be lower bound, but also reduce engine carbon phenomenon. This concept does not drag files manually file owners strong.
automatic transmission car in city traffic, if the speed can not exceed 60 km / h, will use less than the D files a stall, it will give the sharp acceleration, and to avoid the production of coke; when the speed of more than 60 After the file using the D drive, not only fuel, it will not undermine the acceleration. In mountain driving, according to the situation will have to use 2 file or a file, in addition to maintaining a strong torque output, the engine braking effect would prevent the excessive use of foot brake, to ensure road safety. Automatic transmission cars do not have engine braking D file functions, and will increase as the downhill speed to keep the high-speed gear change, so the speed faster and faster, you must keep using the foot brake to control speed, it is easy to arising from the use of excessive brake heat failure, which is very dangerous. Therefore, automatic transmission driving the car to go a long downhill, the file must not use the D drive, in case of emergency. Even if you buy a vehicle autopilot purpose is to dispense with the trouble of shifting, but also a little bit diligent. At low speed, for the following files into the D stalls, high speed and then rest assured that, save the use of D file boldly going forward. I would have a good multiplier effect.
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